I'm so excited to have teamed up with so many amazing book reviewers, bloggers, authors, and bookstagrammers to bring this awesome tour to you and celebrate the launch of Royal Captive!
Keep scrolling to find all the tour details and links, as well as buy links for the books and the pre-order gift sign-up!

A huge thank you to all the bloggers and reviewers
who participated and made this virtual tour possible!
Haven't read the beginning of this YA fantasy romance series?
Learn about Royal Decoy here: https://www.heatherfrost.com/fate-of-eyrinthia-series
MONDAY, March 14th
Cassidy Clarke - Book Review: https://www.instagram.com/cclarkewriting/
@cclarkewriting on Instagram
Crystal Frost - Character Interview (Imara) https://www.frostcrystal.com/post/fate-of-eyrinthia-imara-interview
Heather Frost - Read the First Three Chapters of Royal Captive: https://www.heatherfrost.com/post/royal-captive-sneak-peek
TUESDAY, March 15th
Book Briefs - Book Review: https://bookbriefs.net/2022/03/15/review-royal-captive-by-heather-frost/
@Bookbriefs on Instagram
Sarah Hill - Book Review + Character Interview (Mia)
https://sarahrylie.wixsite.com/author (Scroll down and click on the tour banner image to download the interview!)
@authorsarahhill on Instagram
The Reading Pantry - Book Review: www.instagram.com/the_reading_pantry
@the_reading_pantry on Instagram
Thind Books - Book Review + Author Interview: https://thindbooks.wordpress.com/2022/03/15/royal-captive-by-heather-frost-review-get-book-one-for-free-link-in-post/
@thindbooks on Instagram
WEDNESDAY, March 16th
A Bella Fairytale - Book Review: https://abellafairytale.wordpress.com/2022/03/16/blog-tour-royal-captive-by-heather-frost/?preview=true
Darkest Sins - Author Guest Post: https://darkestsinsblog.com/explore-the-kingdoms-of-eyrinthia-royal-captive-blog-tour/
Jack- Book Review + Podcast Author Interview: https://anchor.fm/createandcall/episodes/Interview-with-Author-Heather-Frost-e1fplc7
Kait Plus Books - Excerpt: https://www.kaitgoodwin.com/books/blog-tour-royal-captive-by-heather-frost-excerpt-free-book/
@kaitplusbooks on Instagram
Literary Time Out - Book Review: https://literarytimeout.blogspot.com/2022/03/blog-tour-royal-captive-by-heather-frost.html
@Literarytimeout on Facebook and Instagram
THURSDAY, March 17th
Batty and Anjali - Rook Review + Character Interview (Desfan) https://battysmammareads.blogspot.com/2022/03/heather-frosts-royal-captive-book-tour.html
@cherumanalil on Instagram
Books Less Travelled - Book Review + Excerpt:
@BooksLessTravelled on Instagram
Bookworm Lisa - Book Review + Excerpt: https://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com/2022/02/royal-captive-by-heather-frost-vligtour.html
Caylin Nash - Excerpt:
@mother.binge.reader on Instagram
Min Reads and Reviews - Book Review: https://minreadsandreviews.blogspot.com/2022/03/royal-captive-by-heather-frost-blog-tour.html
@minreads on Instagram
Pursuing The Happy - Excerpt: https://pursuingthehappy.wordpress.com/2022/03/17/blog-tour-royal-captive-by-heather-frost-exclusive-excerpt-gifts/
FRIDAY, March 18th
Captivated Reading - Book Review + Author Guest Post: https://www.captivatedreading.com/royal-captive-blog-tour-short-review-guest-post/
@captivated_reading on Instagram
Getting Your Read On - Book Review: http://gettingyourreadonaimeebrown.blogspot.com/2022/03/royal-captive-fate-of-eyrinthia-3-by.html
@gettingyourreadon on Instagram
Purple Shadow Hunter - Book Review + Excerpt: https://purpleshadowhunter.blogspot.com/2022/03/royal-captive-virtual-tour.html
@purpleshadowhunter on Instagram
Singing Librarian Books - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.singinglibrarianbooks.com/teens/royal-captive-fate-of-eyrnthia-3-by-heather-frost-blog-tour-review-excerpt
@singinglibrarianbooks on Instagram
Stars Books and Tea - Book Review + Excerpt: https://starsbooksandtea.com/2022/03/16/royal-captive-blog-tour/
@starsbooksandtea on Instagram
Why Not Because I Said So - Book Review + Excerpt: https://whynotbecauseisaidso.blogspot.com/2022/03/royal-captive-fate-of-eyrinthia-book-3.html
Grab your copy in your preferred format here: https://linktr.ee/h.frost
Pre-order and get an EXCLUSIVE short story!
Sign up for the gift here: https://forms.gle/nDubVYVaB7EPYRfh8
Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60134000-royal-captive
Add on Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/royal-captive-fate-of-eyrinthia-book-3-by-heather-frost

A DECOY trapped in a dangerous lie A SERJAH searching for the truth A PRINCE caught in a deadly game A WORLD choked by secrets
Abducted during a devastating ambush, Clare is now the captive of ruthless mercenaries. Dragged through the wilderness while grieving heart-rending loss, she must maintain the illusion that she is the princess. Because if she lets the mask slip, even for a moment, the Mortisians will have no reason to keep her alive.
After arresting traitors close to the crown, Desfan fights to rebuild his court, knowing that the imminent arrival of the Devendran princess will further upset the precarious balance in Mortise. But Desfan’s world is rocked when he discovers a rumor that rewrites the most devastating event in his life. He will stop at nothing to find the truth–no matter where it leads.
As Grayson struggles to find his footing in Mortise, he discovers new friends and enemies. His life is further complicated by the tenuous alliance with his spymaster brother. With secrets deepening around him, Grayson must decide where his loyalties truly lie. Through it all, his heart remains in Ryden with Mia. Unfortunately, his love for her is no secret, and the Black Hand is a coveted weapon . . .
Eyrinthia holds its breath as allies and enemies collide. Secrets. Lies. Betrayals. Nothing will be the same.