I've teamed up with some amazing book reviewers, bloggers, and bookstagrammers to create this media tour to celebrate the launch of Esperance, book 1 in my New Adult fantasy romance trilogy! Scroll down for links and the full schedule!
Twelve strangers. Six marriages. One year in Esperance.
Amryn has many reasons to hate the empire. Her latest is her forced marriage to General Carver Vincetti, better known as the Butcher. If he learns even one of her secrets, he will kill her. And Amryn has many secrets. Not only is she an empath with forbidden magic, she's also a newly recruited rebel intent on destroying the empire—starting at Esperance.
Carver knows the rebels have infiltrated the remote temple of Esperance. His job is to hunt them down before they can wreck the emperor’s new peace. Despite the demons that haunt him, Carver is intent on his mission—but he’s not prepared for Amryn. From her fiery red hair to her surprising wit, his new wife has captured his attention. The attraction that flares between them is undeniable. Now he just has to determine if she’s the enemy.
When the newly married couples become targets in a violent game, Esperance becomes more dangerous than anyone anticipated. Carver and Amryn are about to discover that no one is exactly who they appear to be—especially each other.
Grab your copy now!
Paperback Available Now: https://www.amazon.com/Esperance-Heather-Frost/dp/1959122010
Order the book now and fill out the form below to get a bookmark!
Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62591427-esperance
Add on BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/esperance-by-heather-frost
MONDAY, Now 14th
I Love Books and Stuff - Book Review + Excerpt: https://ilovebooksandstuffblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/14/esperance-blog-tour/
@amartinez8877 on Instagram
Booked By Tea - Book Review: https://instagram.com/bookedbytea
@bookedbytea_ on Instagram
C. A. Neville - Book Review: https://www.instagram.com/ca.neville/
@ca.neville on Instagram
Heather Frost - Map of the Craethen Empire: https://www.heatherfrost.com/post/the-craethen-empire-map
TUESDAY, Nov 15th
Batty and Anjali - Book Review + Character Interview with Amryn: https://battysmammareads.blogspot.com/2022/11/heather-frost-s-esperance-book-tour.html
@cherumanalil on Instagram
Books For You 2 - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.instagram.com/books.for.you.2/
@books.for.you.2 on Instagram
Bookworm Lisa - Book Review + Excerpt: http://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com/2022/11/esperance-by-heather-frost-booktour.html
@bookwormlisa on Instagram
Jennie And Books - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.instagram.com/jennie.and.books/
@jennie.and.books on Instagram
Just Want 2 Read - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.instagram.com/justwant_2read/
@justwant_2read on Instagram
Darkest Sins - Author Guest Post: https://darkestsinsblog.com/esperance-casting-call-who-is-ready-to-get-married-esperance-blog-tour/
@silviartsy on Instagram
One Book More - Book Review + Excerpt: https://onebookmore.com/2022/11/16/book-review-esperance-by-heather-frost/
@1bookmore on Instagram
Mattie's Manuscripts - Book Review + Author Guest Post: https://www.instagram.com/mattiesmanuscripts/
Books Less Travelled - Author Interview: https://bookslesstravelledreviews.wordpress.com/2022/11/16/blog-tour-esperance-by-heather-frost-author-interview/
@BooksLessTravelled on Instagram
Books Read By Tracy - Author Interview: https://www.instagram.com/booksreadbytracy/
@booksreadbytracy on Instagram
THURSDAY, Nov 17th
Literary Time Out - Book Review + Excerpt: https://literarytimeout.blogspot.com/2022/11/blog-tour-esperance-by-heather-frost.html
@Literarytimeout on Facebook and Instagram
That's So Romantical - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.instagram.com/thatssoromantical/
@thatssoromantical on Instagram
Thind Books - Book Review + Author Interview: https://thindbooks.wordpress.com/2022/11/17/esperance-by-heather-frost-review-interview/
@thindbooks on Instagram
Alice Xaphan - Book Review: http://www.instagram.com/misss3lfd3strukt/
@misss3lfd3strukt on Instagram
Singing Librarian Books - Book Review & Excerpt: https://www.singinglibrarianbooks.com/young-adult/esperance-esperance-1-by-heather-frost-blog-tour-review-excerpt
@singinglibrarianbooks on Instagram
FRIDAY, Nov 18th
Min Reads and Reviews - Book Review: https://minreadsandreviews.blogspot.com/2022/11/esperance-by-heather-frost-blog-tour.html
@minreads15 on Instagram
Why Not Because I Said So - Book Review + Excerpt: https://whynotbecauseisaidso.blogspot.com/2022/11/esperance-by-heather-frost-na.html
@ssdawn2002 on Instagram
Getting Your Read On - Book Review + Excerpt: http://gettingyourreadonaimeebrown.blogspot.com/2022/11/esperance-esperance-trilogy-1-by.html
@gettingyourreadon on Instagram
Diary of a Wannabe Writer - Book Review: http://diaryofawannabewriter.blogspot.com/2022/11/esperance-by-heather-frost.html
Stars Books and Tea - Book Review + Character Interview with Carver: https://starsbooksandtea.com/2022/11/18/esperance-blog-tour/
@starsbooksandtea on Instagram
Book Briefs - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.instagram.com/bookbriefs/?hl=en
@Bookbriefs on Instagram
A huge thank you to all the bloggers and reviewers who participated and made this virtual tour possible!